It's been a fun week.

What an amazing week at our house!                                                                11/7/2011
This week started with Halloween on Monday. Eli was dressed up as a dragon, and Aidan was the Green Lantern. It was such a nice night for trick or treating. My dad came over and helped take Aidan around the neighborhood. They seemed to have a very good time. I tried to take Eli to a few houses, but he did not seem too interested. First, we went to our neighbor's Jeff and Sandy. Eli insisted on getting one of the smaller pumpkins from our porch and taking it over there with us. We tried to take it away from him but he screamed, so we just let him take it along. Then we went to our other neighbor's house, and they have a rock driveway. Instead of wanting candy he wanted to collect rocks out of their driveway. He put about 10 rocks in his bucket and wanted to leave. After a few more unsuccessful attempts, we called it quits on Eli.
On Tuesday we all helped rake leaves in the back yard and made a huge pile for the boys to jump in, I mean all the boys lol. It was one of the first times that all of the boys got to hang out together. They seemed to have a lot of fun. We took some really fun pictures, everyone seems to think they are photoshopped, but they are not.
Wednesday, Aidan showed me something that one of his friends from school made him. He pulled it out of his bag and I noticed it was a 'cootie catcher'. One of those oragami things that you use your fingers to work. The best part was that he kept calling it a 'pootie catcher'! Then, on Wednesday night Dan and I went to the boys hockey game. They ended up losing, which was 5 in a row for the team. Gabe did not play, but Derek had a good game.
Thursday evening Derek and Gabe left for games in New York for three days, and Aidan went to his moms. I was so bored!  You would think that I would enjoy having time to myself, but that really did not happen. I tried to get laundry and cleaning done while they were gone, I somewhat succeeded in that task lol.